In addition to being the curator of the Phaff Yeast Culture Collection, Dr. Boundy-Mills interacts with other microbial culture collections in the US and worldwide.
Since 2012, Dr. Boundy-Mills has been on the steering committee of the US Culture Collection Network. This group of collection curators and stakeholders has met once or twice a year to explore issues that impact culture collections such as databases, quality control, business plans, Nagoya Protocol,and contributing to genome sequencing projects.
Since 2013, Dr. Boundy-Mills has been on the Executive Board of the World Federation for Culture Collections. This organization of over 800 collections in dozens of countries provides support and advocates for culture collections. Important resources provided by WFCC include:
- CCINFO – a listing of major culture collection and Biological Resource Centres.
- GCM – The Global Catalog of Microorganisms combines the catalogs of over 100 microbial collections.